
Hyperspaces geometry
Hyperspaces geometry

hyperspaces geometry

Line-based object recognition using Hausdorff distance: from range images to molecular secondary structure. and Madej, T., Structural similarity of loops in protein families: toward the understanding of protein evolution. and Piramuthu, S., Efficient genetic algorithm based data mining using feature selection with Hausdorff distance. and Sánchez-Álvarez, J.M., On the Hausdorff fuzzy quasi-metric and computer sciences.


In: Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, vol. Matthews, S.G., Partial metric topology.and Valero, O., Asymptotic complexity of algorithms via the nonsymmetric Hausdorff distance. Romaguera, S., On computational models for the hyperspace.O'Neill, S.J., Partial metrics, valuations and domain theory.Heckmann, R., Approximation of metric spaces by partial metric spaces.and Sánchez-Pérez, E.A., Bicompleting weightable quasi-metric spaces and partial metric spaces. and Schellekens, M., Quasi-metric properties of complexity spaces. Waszkiewicz, P., Partial metrisability of continuous posets.Schellekens, M., The correspondence between partial metrics and semivaluations.Schellekens, M., A characterization of partial metrizability.Schellekens, M., The Smyth completion: a common foundation for denotational semantics and complexity analysis.Partial metric monoids and semivaluation spaces.

hyperspaces geometry

Künzi, H.P.A., Nonsymmetric distances and their associated topologies: About the origins of basic ideas in the area of asymmetric topology.and Lindgren, W.F., Quasi-Uniform Spaces. (Eds.), Handbook of the History of General Topology, vol. and Hitzler, P., Generalized distance functions in the theory of computation. Berthiaume, G., On quasi-uniformities in hyperspaces.Spreen, D., A construction method for partial metrics.and Priestley, H.A., Introduction to Lattices and Order. and Ryser, C., The Bourbaki quasi-uniformity. and Romaguera, S., The relationship between the Vietoris topology and the Hausdorff quasi-uniformity.

  • Schellekens, M., On upper weightable spaces.Īnd Fomin, S.V., Introductory Real Analysis.Īnd Romaguera, S., Wijsman and hit-and-miss topologies of quasi-metric spaces.
  • Kahn, G., The semantics of a simple language for parallel processing.
  • IFIP Congress 74, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam. and Valero, O., On the structure of the space of complexity partial functions.
  • Lawson, J., Computation on metric spaces via domain theory.Įscardo, Introduction to Real PCF, Notes for an invited speech at the 3rd Real Numbers and Computers Conference (RNC3), l'Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, April 1998.
  • Martin, K., Powerdomains and zero finding.
  • Gierz, G., Hofmann, K.H., Keimel, K., Lawson, J.D., Mislove, M.W.
  • In: Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, vol.
  • Di Concilio A., Uniformities, hyperspaces, and normality, Monatsh.
  • hyperspaces geometry

    Di Concilio A., Proximity: A powerful tool in extension theory, function spaces, hyperspaces, boolen algebras and point-free geometry, Beyond Topology, F.Pearl, Eds., Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Di Concilio A., Action on hyperspaces, Topology Proc., 41, 85–98, 2013.Di Concilio A., Naimpally S.A., Proximal set-open topologies, Boll.Di Concilio A., Proximal set-open topologies on partial maps, Acta Math.Di Maio G., Naimpally S.A., Comparison of hypertopologies, Rend.Efremovic̆V.A., Infinitesimal Spaces (Russian), Dokl.Fell J.M.G., A Hausdorff topology for the closed subsets of a locally compact non-Hausdorff space, Proc.Lodato M.W., On topologically induced generalized proximity relations, Ph.D.Lodato M.W., On topologically induced generalized proximity relations I, Proc.

    Hyperspaces geometry